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Privacy Policy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensures your data and private information passed to us as an Organisation is stored safely.

1. Use of Information collected

The information collected about ‘you’ /your family will be collected solely for the purpose of the assessment. Personal data including identifiable data will only be collected for assessment purposes and will be obtained with your permission. Data collected will be mainly from the application prior to assessment at the point in which a service is commissioned. Other information ‘may’ be collected with permission given from the young person’s education provider or other registered professionals including but not exhausted to Speech and Language Therapist/Occupational Therapist/Paediatrician
Information collected for the purpose of assessment will be stored on a secure encrypted laptop or in a locked cabinet, and shall only be shared with selected third parties with the permission of the parent/carer included in the young person’s multi-disciplinary team, for the purpose of wider input or assessment.

2. Third Party Disclosure

Information collected will only be shared with Third Parties with the permission of the young persons parent/carer for the purpose of wider input or assessment. Third parties may include, but are not exhausted to, the young person’s primary education provider / school / Speech and Language Therapist / Occupational Therapist / Paediatrician.
With permission, information could also be shared in Tribunals with the young person’s primary parent / carer’s permission.

3. Information Protection

The UK GDPR sets out seven key principles:

• Lawfulness, fairness and transparency.
• Purpose limitation.
• Data minimisation.
• Accuracy.
• Storage limitation.
• Integrity and confidentiality (security)
• Accountability.

The Data Protection Act 2018 applies to ‘personal data’, which is information which relates to individuals. It gives individuals the right to access their own personal data through subject access requests. Under GDPR information pertaining to you/your young person can be accessed by written request to Requests will be managed and responded to in line with GDPR guidelines.

4. Notification of Changes.

Should, for any reason, storage relating to you/your young person’s personal information change, or be jeopardised for any reason, you will be notified in person as soon as possible. Written notification will be provided for any changes to the storage or personal information for 7 years following initial consultation/ assessment.

5. What data do we collect?

Personal information collected is outline in, but not exhausted to, the ‘pre-assessment questionnaire.’ For the latest up to copy of this questionnaire please email

Other information maybe collected and shared, with parent / carers permission, with other key specialists including, but not exhausted to, the young person’s primary education provider / school / Speech and Language Therapist / Occupational Therapist / Paediatrician. 

6. How do we collect your data?

Data will be collected through an initial pre-assessment questionnaire, face-to-face assessments, telephone consultations and written documentation, as well as email correspondence, consultation and assessments with the young person, and meetings with other key specialists including Speech and Language Therapist / Occupational Therapist / Paediatrician. This is not an exhaustive list.

7. How will we use your data?

All data collected will be for the primary purpose of an Educational Psychology assessment undertaken with the permission of the young person’s parent / primary carer. 

8. What are your Data Protection Rights?

The Data Protection Act 2018 (“the Act”) applies to ‘personal data’, which is information which relates to individuals. Personal data will be managed and accessed in line with current GDPR legislation.

9. Contact

Any questions relating to the above should be emailed to

working to understand your child

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