Reports fit for purpose
If your child / young person is struggling at school and you are confused about where to go next, or if you know what is needed but are being met with closed doors at every turn, contact Aroa for an assessment and report to support you to get what your child needs to engage and thrive in their education.
All practicing Aroa are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) which means Aroa are required to conform to certain “professional standards”. Part of these Standards are to:
establish the needs of the child or young person, the provision required to meet those needs and the outcomes intended to be achieved.
At Aroa, we guarantee that the resulting report
- Is sufficiently detailed
- identifies all the young person’s needs
- specifies and quantifies provision required to meet those needs
- provides outcomes to be achieved
How your EP can help….
Aroa supports you through every stage of obtaining the right support for your child, from an initial query and EP advice, to learning assessments and school consultations, to psychological needs assessments for EHCPs, as well as School Comparison reports, Annual Reviews, regular Multidisciplinary Team Meeting attendance, and providing evidence as an Expert Witness in SEND Tribunals.
Assessments can be completed to help you and other adults understand what your child needs to access their education. An assessment can be carried out at a time and place to suit you and your young person. Most of the assessments are completed on iPads so many children find this enjoyable and less anxiety-provoking. Following a consultation with yourself and all other necessary adults, a draft report is compiled detailing your child’s needs and the provision required to meet those needs. Amendments can be made where necessary and a final report can be shared as you see fit.
Reports are accepted by schools and Local Authorities, and all reports are in keeping with legal guidelines and frameworks. At Aroa, we will also do our best to ensure you meet legal timeframes, and we will liaise with all other professionals involved in your case, if requested.
working to understand your child